La Via della Radio di Elisa Cantelli Documentario - FULL HD - 74 minuti
BoucleEnOnde è un viaggio attraverso il mondo femminile della Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso. Irene e Abdoul lavorano a Radio Fréquence Espoir portando avanti un unico obiettivo: contribuire allo sviluppo del proprio popolo attraverso una strategia di comunicazione partecipata. In una terra che soffre di una povertà strutturale il loro è un modello di resistenza, di costruzione di un mondo ideale, dove l’informazione diventa la chiave d’accesso allo sviluppo. Musica e parole tracciano il volto delle donne e del loro mondo, intriso di tradizioni ma con la voglia di guardare avanti mentre i notiziari raccontano una complicata attualità fatta di conflitti all’infuori del paese.
The Radio Way by Elisa Cantelli Documentary - FULL HD - 74 minutes
BoucleEnOnde is a journey through the female world of the Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso. Irene and Abdoul work at Radio Fréquence Espoir and carry on a shared project: to contribute to the development of their people through a participatory communication strategy. In a land that suffers from structural poverty theirs is a model of resistance, of building an ideal world, where information becomes the access key to development. Music and words trace a portrait of women and their world, steeped in traditions but with the desire to look ahead while the news reports tell a complicated reality made up of conflicts outside the country.
Fotografia / Cinematographer: Mauro Calanca, Elisa Cantelli, Greta De Lazzaris, Paolo Oreste Gelfo
Suono / Sound: Riccardo Spagnol
Editor: Elisa Cantelli
Correzione colore / Color: Mauro Vicentini
Lingue/ Languages: Francese, Fulfulde, Dioula, Bwamou
Traduzioni / Translation: Abdoul Salam Diallo, Donatella Milani, Calvin Moukoro
Disribuzione / Distribution: Serena Gramizzi | BoFilm
Miglior opera prima / Best first time filmmaker – Women’s Voices Now, United States – March 2022
Miglior Documentario/ Best Documentary Berlin Indie Film Festival, Berlin (Germany) – February 2021
Miglior Documentario/ Best Feature Documentary LA Indies, Los Angeles (United States) – January 2021
WORLDWIDE PREMIÈRE | Women of the Lens Film Festival, International Competition, London (UK) – November 2020
Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli, Official selection – Naples (Italy) – November 2021
Montreal Independent Film Festival, Feature Documentary Competition, Montreal (Canada) – February 2021
Chicago Indie Film Awards, Semi Finalist Best Female Filmmaker Competition, Chicago (United States) – February 2021
Berlin Indie Film Festival, International Competition, Berlin (Germany) – February 2021
LA Indies, International Competition, Los Angeles (United States) – January 2021
Toronto International Women Film Festival, Films About Women Competition, Toronto (Canada) – January 2021
Women of the Lens Film Festival, International Competition, London (UK) – November 2020
Cinema Splendor, Chieri | 28 marzo 2023
Cinema Garibaldi, Scarperia | 7 dicembre 2022